
Best activities to do in a lockdown situation:

Since most of you are deprived of going outdoors because of the ongoing pandemic it’s the perfect opportunity for you to enhance your abilities in the activities you are good at. It’s time to leave Netflix and your comfy sofa and let’s do something productive.

Here is the list of the best activities you can do in lockdown to get rid of boredom. Let’s have a look.


It may not be possible that you are standing in a garden and not getting attracted by flowers, their pleasant scent, and the positive feeling that affects you when you see the flowers. So why not grow some flowers to get rid of your boredom

Besides, you can maintain a healthy atmosphere by growing flowers and planting trees.

Gardening has many other benefits to your health. The analysis has revealed that gardening could reduce the risk of dementia by 36%. It can also reduce your stress and improves your mood.

Not only this, but you can also plant vegetables and fruit in your garden for your own use. I’m pretty sure none of you would say no to your self-planted fresh veggies and fruit. You can plant your favorite fruits or vegetables and save the money you used to spend on them. So, this task is worth a try.

Learn how to cook

If you’re having a bad day, psychology claims that cooking is the best way to deal with a bad mood.

There are numerous emotional benefits of cooking and many programs around the world help individuals with mood disorders by a method known as “therapeutic cooking”

So, it is the best thing you can do during the lockdown and treat yourself and your family members with delicious food. Well, it’s not obvious to be a very good cook from the very first day. Cooking skills improve day by day. You can also make money by selling different cuisines to people through online food providing services.


If you love drawing and filling colors in it then you should start painting to get rid of your boredom during the lockdown. Painting has a very significant effect on your behavior Experimenting in different forms of painting allows an artist to consider what triggers emotions such as joy, sorrow, affection, or rage. Moreover, painting improves your problem-solving skills. As the artist works conceptually to put several ideas to life as he draws, he utilizes logical thinking skills. The painting also sharpens the mind by logical imagery and execution and improves cognitive abilities.

You can also earn by selling your art digitally through various online stores. With all the benefits mentioned above, if you have an interest in painting, it is the best time to develop your skills and be a professional artist.

Create a blog

Nowadays social media has provided you a platform where you can share your views with the world. So, take this opportunity for your benefit and start making a blog. This will not only help you pass a good time but will also improve your skills. Blogging helps to improve your communicational skills as you are directly engaged with the audience and you are cautious not to make any mistake. Once you are familiar with the audience and the people start recognizing you, you can set up a small business and introduce it to your audience. This way your product will gain popularity quickly as people will identify it under your name tag.

Writing a book

Some people are into literature. They love to read and compose poems and stories. Lockdown has left ample time for you to utilize it in writing. You can write your own book online to know about people’s reviews over it. Once your book is popular among the people, you can publish it and can make money out of it.

Take a course

Many universities are now offering online courses in different subjects. During this lockdown situation, you can take as many courses you like and spend quality time in learning something new every day. This will not only help you get rid of boredom but will also make it easier for you to decide which subject suits you the most. Mostly in school and college, you select courses relevant to your field only. A business student will never think of choosing a course in literature. Nevertheless, online classes offer a broad variety of lessons. You can select every other topic and test your secret ability. It will help you make a choice when you’re considering your university.

Redecorate your room

If you are tired of living in the same room over a long time try redecorating it. The idea does not reflect spending so much money. You can also redecorate your room without spending a penny by just shifting your furniture place and making use of things you have discarded. Sometimes you can make different things with discarded items, all you need to do is to be creative. You can also add fairytale lights to give your room a comfortable effect.

Learn a new language

If you are tired of reading subtitles under a Korean or Japanese movie, try learning the language. There are many apps that you can download from the google play store to learn different languages. Learning a foreign language boosts your brainpower as your brain needs to deal with complexity and understanding of unfamiliar patterns. Moreover, People who have acquired the ability to communicate in multiple languages and switch from one language to another are stronger multi-taskers with lower stress rates.

Learning codes

There are many benefits for you if you learn to code. Learning to code will help offer new areas of opportunities in your profession and potentially make you a more competitive choice in a fast-moving digital economy. You can learn coding through online courses. It is the best way to pass your free time and you can start making money after you are good at it.

Read books and articles

Reading is the best way to get rid of boredom. Reading also relaxes your mind as when you are reading a diversion into the literary environment helps you to remove yourself from the pressures of current lives, to relax your mind. It also improves your memory as reading requires you to use your muscles which strengthens them in the long run. By reading books and different articles you will also gain a lot of information.

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